Storytelling to teach scicomm: A round-table discussion

  • 22 May 2024
  • 12:00 - 13:00
  • Airmeet
  • 0


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Many of us recognize the power of storytelling as a critical component in effective science communication. But, is scicomm storytelling being taught effectively? Do institutions have the resources they need to include storytelling in their scicomm training and curricula?

In this round-table discussion with ASC and The Story Collider, we'll talk about ways to successfully incorporate storytelling into institutional science communication training. Hopefully, this will be the first of many such roundtables, and potentially lead to directing collaborative efforts improving availability of storytelling resources for scicomm training.

Who are you?
This event is geared for people who teach in university and other organizational scicomm training programs. This is not a training session. This IS a stage setting session. Come prepared to share your experience and engage with your colleagues!

Why attend?:
Be part of building a community of practice during this topically-focused roundtable. Engage with other institutional scicomm trainers & educators to discuss methods, challenges, needs and potential solutions.

Registration is free, but attendance is limited.

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